Sports, Maths’ Games and…DANCING!!!

Sorry for the late posting – (end of term tiredness!!)

Last week we had a busy, fun-filled week. On Wednesday it was our P.1/2 Sports Morning on the MUGA -we had great weather and lots of fun!

On Thursday it was our Summer Fayre after school, and the ‘Underwater Adventure’ winning game from our class was on show for people to come and have a go!

Today at P.E. we went over the dances we have been learning over the past few weeks – look out for an invitation home soon inviting you to come and join us for our final dancing session on Monday 29th June!!!

Here are some photos from the week:-

A Fond Farewell, P.2F !


Well, the time is almost nigh for us to say ‘goodbye’…(how poetic!) and as a final post, I’ve put together a little film story of our journey through the year – hopefully this will bring back lots of memories of our time together in P.2F. I’ve loved having the class – they’ve been absolutely superb in every way. They’ve worked so hard for me and I couldn’t have asked for any more of them. I’ll really miss them next year, but as I’ll be just down the corridor, I’ll be bumping into them almost every day!

Thanks for all your support and good wishes mums and dads…I might meet you again if I move back up the school in the next few years!

Mrs. F 🙂 xx

Wild at the Wildlife Park!!!

Well!!! What a wonderful trip we had on Tuesday 24th to the Black Isle Wildlife Park!!! The sun shone, the animals were all pleased to see us, we had our lunch in the polytunnel, got a trip on the little train and to finish off, had a great time in the playpark with our friends!! We all LOVED it!!! Oh and at long last, Mrs. Fraser ‘did’ the monkey bars back at school!!! (She only got half way across, but said that she’d practise over the holidays!)

Thank you to all the mums who helped supervise us and thank you to the children (and animals) who were all so well-behaved!

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Class Trip, ‘M Factor’ and other Bits ‘n’ Pieces

A reminder about our class trip on Tuesday (24th). Please refer to the letter sent out a few weeks back as regards what to wear/bring. (Don’t forget your packed lunch either – in an empty schoolbag/back-pack which can easily be carried around the park, along with sunglasses, hats and any other bits and pieces). Inhalers can be handed to the class teacher (named, please) in the morning before we leave. Please find attached a list of the pupils going on the P.2F/P.1V trip,  their buddies and adult helpers.

Parent helpers & buddies

Contrary to what was stated on previous homework, the ‘M Factor’ final is due to be held on Thursday 26th June at 6.30 p.m. and not on the Wednesday – apologies for this error. Letters regarding this event will be sent home by the Office soon. NB – If any of the ‘Frozen Girls’ cannot manage to attend, please let the Office know ASAP so the other girls can make adjustments. Thank you!

Art folders containing your child’s art work from the year and old Learning Records will be sent home this week.  (More recent Learning Records will be passed on to your child’s new teacher in order to gauge the level of work and allow continuity.) If you would like to take your child’s art folder home for them, please pop into the school at 3pm on either Thursday or Friday of this week. Empty folders can then be returned to school before the end of term.

Thank you!


Hamster Gardens

Our special ‘Hamster Homework’ this term was to make little gardens for our hamsters in a shallow container. We are going to be writing about our hamster’s adventures in their gardens next week and also making birds’ eye view maps of our gardens – what fun! We were allowed to put anything we liked in the gardens, but had certain things that we had to have – a shed, a pond or stream, a path, some ‘plants’ or ‘flowers’, a bench. Here we are with our gardens – see if you can spot our hamsters enjoying the view! (More photos will be added as more gardens are finished.)

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Mad for ‘M Factor!’

This afternoon, we had our ‘M Factor’ auditions in front of all the P.1s and P.2s. First of all, the ‘TNT Boys’ sang the ‘TNT’ song from ‘Minecraft’ and then the ‘Frozen Girls’ sang ‘Let it Go’ from the film ‘Frozen’. After everyone had commented, it was decided that the ‘Frozen Girls’ should represent our class in the final at the end of June. Here are two short clips of both acts to whet your appetite!!


And Finally…

…Here is our final photo showing Jamie from the SSPCA collecting the cheque and all the items of animal food donations – (there was much more than this…we just couldn’t get them all in the photo!)

The photo should be in the Inverness Courier either tomorrow, or more likely Friday or next Tuesday. Hurrah!!! Success!


Open-Afternoon Success!

On Thursday 29th May, we had our Open Afternoon in the Community Room! The P.1 and P.3 classes came to have a look around our stalls and try and buy! We had a Nail Bar, Cake stall, Tombola/Raffle, Animal Food Donation stall, ‘Find the Animal in the Playground’ stall, ‘Throw the beanbag through the Hole’ stall, Lucky Dip and much, much more!!! Altogether we raised £112.00!!! Jamie from the SSPCA is coming on Monday to collect a cheque and all the food donation and a photographer from the newspaper is coming to take a photo!!! Yippee!!! We have really enjoyed our mini-enterprise…here are some photos from the day:-

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Animal Cruelty – call the SSPCA!

This week we have been continuing trying to hone our drama skills by writing little scripts relating to animal cruelty and then acting them out. We got into little groups and each chose a part to play. Some of us were the SSPCA officers, some were the animals, some were the people who reported the cruelty and some of us had to be the ‘baddies’. We were really trying hard to remember our performance skills – use loud voices, don’t turn our backs to the audience, try to use our faces and our bodies to express ourselves…

We then performed to the rest of the class and they had to assess us. Here are some of the performances – what do you think?!

Daniel Drama!

This week in RME, we heard about the story of Daniel, who was thrown into a den of lions, but who was saved because he believed in God. We acted out the story in little groups, trying to keep our voices loud and face the audience, so they could see and hear us. (We might need to practise this a bit more!!!)

Here we are practising!