On Thursday 29th May, we had our Open Afternoon in the Community Room! The P.1 and P.3 classes came to have a look around our stalls and try and buy! We had a Nail Bar, Cake stall, Tombola/Raffle, Animal Food Donation stall, ‘Find the Animal in the Playground’ stall, ‘Throw the beanbag through the Hole’ stall, Lucky Dip and much, much more!!! Altogether we raised £112.00!!! Jamie from the SSPCA is coming on Monday to collect a cheque and all the food donation and a photographer from the newspaper is coming to take a photo!!! Yippee!!! We have really enjoyed our mini-enterprise…here are some photos from the day:-

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2 responses »

  1. Owen anderson says:

    Well done everyone, what a fab job you have all done 👍😄

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