We’d like to introduce you to our classroom hamsters. They will be helping us with our learning all through Primary 2F!  We will be dressing them up, making things for them and they in turn will help teach us things.

Let us introduce them to you…

First we have …Hamtaro.

Hamtaro is the leader of all the hamsters and everyone loves him – he’s very popular.


Next is… Boss.


He lives underground and is a very big, angry looking hamster, but actually he’s very kind-hearted, hard-working and is secretly in love with…



Bijou is French and is very pretty. All the hamsters secretly love her, but she loves only Hamtaro!

Then there’s …Cappy.


He’s a young, fun-loving hamster who loves wearing different kinds of hats. The green one is his favourite, but he has been known to wear a saucepan on his head!

Another hamster who loves food is…Oxnard.


His picture is on our lunch register.

And now we have…Maxwell. He LOVES books and reading.



Dexter is the hamster mathematician. He is great with numbers.



Jingle is the musical hamster. He is always singing and playing his guitar.



Sandy and Stan are twins. Sandy is a gymnast and is always twirling her ribbon on a stick. Stan her brother likes flirting with the girls and playing his maracas. We have named our spelling groups after them.

Sandy      Stan

17 responses »

  1. Rachel.u says:

    very intresting!

  2. Steve (Archie's dad) says:

    Hamtaro is Archies favourite he likes that he has red hair like him,

  3. Susan Rocks!!!! says:

    Mrs Fraser, I have lost my sheet for recorder club;( Can you put a print out one of beat it please?????;)

  4. Susan Rocks!!!! says:

    Mrs Fraser, at my polish school my teacher told me I was really good at playing my recorder!!! She said I could play a polish Christmas carol!!! IN FRONT OF ALL THE PARENTS, TEACHERS AND CHILDREN!!! Will you give me some suggestions for the song I might play? I can play any song!

  5. Susan Rocks!!!! says:

    I have decided that I will play 2 songs on the recorder! My Mums is picking them for me so I will do 2 songs!!!!!! I wonder what they will be?

  6. Susan Rocks!!!! says:

    Mrs Fraser, My mum says I might get a new recorder because my old one……well… every time i play some water drops out of the bottom of the recorder, and we don’t know how to fix it so Im getting a new one!

  7. Lynne (Ethan's mum) says:

    My sister wishes she had a hamster like Hamtaro !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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