‘Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep’  backing for Festival  (no words) –

‘Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep’  (with singing) for Festival –

Music for Mrs. Fraser’s P.5/6  recorder group:-

‘Great Balls of Fire’ (played twice) – For Festival Fringe performance

‘Beat It’ (no recorder) –


19 responses »

  1. Rachael says:

    Thanks for that !!!!!!! We will be having a boogie at breakfast x

  2. Danny love the song, he was dancing it with his sister 🙂

  3. abbey xx says:

    I miss you hamsters xxxx

  4. Marie says:

    We were all dancing round the kitchen. Great fun! Thank you.

  5. Lynne (Ethan's mum) says:

    We love Mrs Fraser’s singing!! 🙂


    I really like your chirpy chirpy cheep cheep song.

  7. Susan says:

    MISS FRASER!!!! AHHHH!!! I am soooooo nervous for Wednesday!!! Well….. Suppose Its not a BIG thing, Saturday’s The BIG ONE! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!

  8. Susan says:

    Miss Fraser, Are we really becoming famous??? Or did you just write that to get us excited???

    Because if we are,then we will or MIGHT be on X Factor!!!!!

  9. Wilster! says:

    I’m soooo exited about festival fringe and competition
    😀 😛

  10. emma says:

    I heard all of the songs on the blog. They were amazing!!!

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